Pastor's Pen 8.25.2019

Pastor’s Pen for Sunday, August 25, 2019

“Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, to God Who alone is wise,
Be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen!”  I Timothy 1:17

To The King

What can we offer to the King?
What song would be worthy to sing?
What could we possibly make for an offering?
Only honor and glory forever!

For He is the same forevermore,
Never changing, consistent to the core,
Faithfully from Him, do all blessings pour,
Give Him honor and glory!

Unlimited strength, boundless might,
Unconquerable in any fight,
Putting evil to the flight,
Bring Him honor and glory!

Though outside of our range of sight,
Present always in the darkest night,
He is the very Source of light,
Worthy of honor and glory!

Alone, only wise.
None with Him can compromise,
Knowing all truth, in Him there are no lies,
Deserving all honor and glory!

He is God and God alone,
Sent Jesus His Son, our sins to atone,
Nothing could stop Him, no tomb stone.
He lives, worthy of honor and glory!

What can we offer to the King?
What song would be worthy to sing?
What could we possibly make for an offering?
Only honor and glory forever!

1 Comment

Roman - August 25th, 2019 at 2:14pm

Awesome love you Pastor Rick



