Pastor's Pen 5.26.2024

"The memory of the righteous is blessed..." Proverbs 10:7a

It's important to remember what Jesus did for us, taking our sins on Himself.  It's also important to recall that because of His sacrifice, our transgressions have been blotted out. 

"I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake; and I will not remember your sins...Put Me in remembrance;"  Isaiah 43:25-26

Memorial Day is a time to reflect on those who gave all for the freedom we enjoy.  It also a time to recall those who have impacted our lives by their example.  But most importantly, we would benefit by putting the Lord in our remembrance. 

He did everything necessary for us to have a relationship with God.  He suffered the incalculable weight of our sins. 
He bore our sickness and disfunction in His own body. 
He rose from the grave Victor over death, hell and the grave. 

The memory of the righteous is blessed by remembering His finished work.  The memory of the righteous is enriched by remembering the price paid for our freedom.  The memory of the righteous is foundational to understanding who we are. 

Remember, not by being stuck in the past, but by anticipating all that He is doing, based upon all that He has already done!

Pastor Rick Meyers 

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