Pastor's Pen 1.26.2020

Pastor’s Pen for Sunday, January 26, 2020

“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.”
Ephesians 6:10

Strong in the Lord

We can stand strong in His might,
We can endure the darkest night,
We can shine the love of His light,
Strong in the Lord!

It is Jesus Who gives us the power,
It is God Who is our strong tower,
In His presence we never cower,
Strong in the Lord!

There’s an endurance unsurpassed,
There’s a peace so steadfast,
There’s a love that will always last,
Strong in the Lord!

So in midst of every fight,
We are held by Him tight,
He’s with us, though out of sight,
Strong in the Lord!

You’re never going to let me down,
You constantly surround,
I’m an overcomer, when in you I’m found,
Strong in the Lord!

Finally, when all is said and done,
When I complete the last lap in the run,
When I stand before the Holy One,
I will be forever…strong in the Lord!

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