Pastor's Pen 2.7.2021

Strength for Soaring,  Running and Walking

"But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles,  they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31

I recently read that the Andean condor, the world's largest soaring bird, can soar up to five hours.  They can cover one hundred miles without flapping their wings once! Now that's soaring...

In our journey with Jesus this passage reminds us that at times we will be "soaring" high above the trials and concerns of life.  Thanks to His victory, we too are untouchable, flying high with perspective, peace and perseverance.

However, it is important to note that soaring in not the only result of waiting on the Lord.  There is also running, without weariness and walking without fainting.
As one who in recent days has not felt like I was soaring, or without weariness or some times even fainting, what is the meaning of this verse?

First, this is a spiritual reality experienced as we stay focused on Jesus and not our feelings or circumstances.  We are to "keep our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfector of our faith".

Secondly, we are reminded that sometimes we soar above; sometimes we run in spite of and sometimes we have to walk through the trials we face.   We would always choose to soar above.  But God is working on our character, trust and testimony.  This means remembering that running is required at times, with promised "renewed strength". This says we can keep on walking, not based upon our strength but convinced of His.

The journey is unknown to us, but fully known to Him!
As the old song says, we may not know what the future holds, but we know Who holds the future! So...

-Wait on the Lord, serving Him as your best friend;
-Be confident that He's got this and that He's got you;
-Expect times of soaring above, running the distance and times of walking through, in spite of the challenges.

From strength to strength, enjoy your journey,

Pastor Rick

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